Bulletin 30.08.2022
Bulletin 30.08.2022
- GPC England Officer Team election
- Tees Valley Primary Care Training Hub newsletter
- Validium: The Healthy Almanac Toolkit – September 2022
- GP workload and workforce
- COVID Booster
- New Flu Enhanced Service Specifications and Flu Collaboration Agreement
- Government’s reported plan for GPs to prescribe heating bill discounts is ‘beggars belief’
- Social prescription trial on walking and cycling
- GP ‘bureaucracy busting concordat’
- PCNs – clarification on CQC registration
- Trust registration requirements
- Section 49 report guidance
- Research priority setting with the General Practice Workforce Survey
- Best Practice Show, 12-13 October 2022, NEC Birmingham
- England Conference of LMCs 2022
- GPC England committee pages and guidance for practices