Cleveland LMC represents all NHS GPs working in Teesside irrespective of their contractual status. We are delighted that our LMC Board and Executive Team are balanced in this regard. As with everything, there is always room for improvement, and we are particularly looking to improve representation from Salaried GPs and those who work solely outside of traditional general practice.
General Practitioner

We are mindful of the pressures that can be experienced while working as a GP. We encourage all GPs to look at the BMAs Safer Working Guidance, which can be found here. CLMC has also produced a series of guidance notes to sit alongside this; if you would like a copy, please contact and this can be provided to any of our constituents.
Please do also look at the wellbeing section of our website here for sources of support. It is better to ask for help earlier if you feel that you may be struggling; there is no shame in doing this.
We can also offer guidance on the contracts under which you are working, whether that is your partnership agreement, a salaried GP contract, terms and conditions for locum GPs, a consultancy agreement or any other arrangement.
Whatever the issue, please get in contact with us and we will do our best to help and support in complete confidence.
As part of GP retention efforts, NHS England, RCGP and the BMA have developed a GP Career Support Pack that sets out support available at different stages of GPs career (e.g. First Five, mid-career, nearing retirement, taking a career break and / or needing extra support). The pack is intended to signpost GPs to support available throughout their career with a view to supporting their career and life choices.
The national pack is available for download on the NHS England website here.
Any questions on the GP Career Support Pack can be directed to or you can contact the LMC for a confidential discussion about your career options.
Return To Practice Programme information can be found here.

We have a weekly bulletin that is shared with any constituent who wishes to receive this. We also provide bulletins containing job vacancies. If you are not receiving these and would like to, then please contact
Keeping up to date when you are a GP who is not permanently attached to a practice is particularly difficult. We strive to provide an equitable service to all our constituents and are delighted to be able to provide a host hub for access to TeamNet (the system that is used to provide updates on new clinical pathways). If you would like to be added to this, again let know.