Bulletin 30.06.2020
Bulletin 30.06.2020
- Trust GPs to lead: learning from the response to COVID-19 within general practice in England
- Launch of the ‘New to Parternship Payment Scheme’
- Mental health and wellbeing – looking after your practice team
- BAME doctors not being given access to COVID-19 risk assessments
- Indemnity arrangements for NHS Primary Care staff undertaking COVID-19 antibody tests
- Temporary resident registration for antibody testing
- Need for robust digital systems and sustainable plans to manage GP workload
- Shielding update
- GP standard Operating Procedure updated
- BMA issues holiday guidance ahead of domestic tourism return
- GP specialty training – round 2 applications update
- HEENE GP Post-CCT Fellowship Scheme – invitation for bids for funding to support GP Post CCT Fellowships
- MHRA Drug Safety update
- The Healer in times of COVID: supporting each other through adversity
- The CAmeron Fund: The GPs’ own charity
- BMA COVID-19 Guidance
- Other Covid 19 resources
- GPC GP Bulletin