Bulletin 29.06.2010

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Bulletin 29.06.2010

SCR Tees Drop-in Sessions

NHS Tees are running a number of drop in sessions for patients to help enable them to become more informed with regard to the Summary Care Record. The meeting dates and information can be viewed here. If you would like further details on SCR or would like to arrange a meeting/consultation/drop-in session for your practice please contact ruth.atkinson@middlesbroughpct.nhs.uk who will be able to help.

Breast Cancer Care Research Project

Breast Cancer Care is looking for GPs to help shape one of its services for people who have come to the end of active treatment for breast cancer. This press release contains further details, including how to get involved.

DH Spending Challenge Consultation

A major public engagement exercise was announced today to help shape the forthcoming Spending Review. NHS staff are hugely involved in this process and the Prime Minister, David Cameron is asking for them to share their ideas on how we can rethink public services to deliver more for less. An engagement programme is being run from 24 June to 9 July to collect ideas on how the Government can deliver services more efficiently while maintaining and improving quality. This website has been specifically set up to gather up these ideas, with every serious idea being considered by government departments, the Treasury and by teams at No 10 and the Cabinet Office.

GP Trainee GPC Elections

Nominations are now open for regional representatives to the GPC GP Trainees subcommittee. Please tell any GP trainees you know to visit www.bma.org.uk/gptraineeselections to find out more about the election process and what being a member of the subcommittee involves. Even if they are not considering standing for election, they should visit the site to make sure they are registered to vote

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