Bulletin 29.04.2014

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Bulletin 29.04.2014

GP Trainers Urgently Required
If General Practice is going to cope with everything that is being asked of it, we urgently need to increase our training capacity. Please take a moment to look at this flyer and consider becoming a trainer (if you are not one already) or host more trainees (if you already are!).

North East Sessional GP Group
NESG – North East sessional GP group is a non-profit support group for sessional GPs which has been around for about 15 years. It currently has around 300 members. It aims to provide peer support for sessional GPs and also to improve access to information about educational and job opportunities. It also offers the facility for practices (and trusts) to advertise vacancies (locum/salaried and partnership) for free. Practices can post their vacancy on their website. In the last 3 months, for example, 75 vacancies have been posted on our website (250 in the last 8 months).

The group was originally created by and for locums but now has a wide range of sessional GPs including retainers, salaried doctors, GPs with academic or teaching interests etc. It has been recognised by both GMC in its case studies for revalidation and in the RCGP latest guide for Revalidation. Regular NESG members’ meetings occur on the same evening (7pm), and preceding, the deanery sessional GP educational programme (8pm) – on the 1st Tuesday of each month (except for January) at the Freeman Hospital Newcastle. If you would like further details please contact NESG Chair Paula Wright.

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