Bulletin 27.07.2010

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Bulletin 27.07.2010

Consultation Documents, Health White Paper

The White Paper mentions a number of consultations due to take place. Four of these are now open for input:

Transparency in outcomes – a framework for the NHS consultation

Increasing democratic legitimacy in health

Commissioning for patients

Regulating healthcare providers

The above consultations close 11 October – ensure you have your say. Even if you do not respond it is well worth reading the consultation documents as they provide a little more detail around the proposals in the White Paper.

The White Paper and all the associated implications it brings is taking some time to understand, not least due to the lack of important details and the many questions it raises. There are many discussions going on in Tees across a number of groups to capture initial thoughts as to how Tees practices can respond. The LMC is working as closely as possible with as many people as possible to try and ensure a coordinated approach which is going to be critical to success, whatever the implementation model we take forward. Please do keep the LMC informed of any debates/discussions you are planning as we would like to attend as many as possible to get a greater understanding of the true feelings amongst Tees GPs. As mentioned before- we are keen to hear from all practices of suggestions/comments on how we can progress in Tees and also from any practices who would be interested in working with the LMC and PCT in exploring ideas. Please register your interest or forward suggestions/comments to Janice at the LMC . Please do not hesitate to contact Janice if you would like to discuss any of the above further.

Revised Tax Guide Following Emergency Budget

Following the announcement of the emergency budget on 22 June, specialist accountants have now reviewed the Focus on new tax bracket guidance. The previous advice about superannuation has been removed as it is no longer applicable, as well as the spreadsheet illustrating how the tax could affect income for the year 2009-10 as it is out of date. Otherwise the guidance remains the same and we would urge practices to seek advice where necessary from an accountant. The revised guide is available here.

DWP DBD36, DS1500 Forms and GP Factual Reports

DWP’s Pension, Disability and Carers’ Services (PDCS) would like to make GPs aware of changes to and information regarding DBD36 forms, GP factual reports and DS1500 forms. Full details can be accessed here.

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