Bulletin 21.12.2021
Bulletin 21.12.2021
- Dear colleagues – A message from your GPC Chair
- Impact of COVID-19 omicron variant and vaccination deployment
- Fit Note extension period
- Prescription charge medical exemption certification
- Firearms licenses
- DVLA checks
- COVID vaccine exemptions
- Item of Service fee for vaccinations
- COVID-19 vaccination protocols and patient group directions
- Second phase for children and young people aged 12 to 15
- Vaccination as a condition for deployment in the healthcare sector
- Exemptions from self-isolation of fully vaccinated staff members identified as a contact of a case
- Prescription charge waiver for COVID-19 antivirals and therapeutic clinical trials
- Private provider requests for investigations under the NHS
- Firearms licensing guidance
- GMC State of Medical Education and Practice in the UK report
- Supportive messages about the role of general practice
- Accredited Wound Care Course for Registered Staff in Primary Care.
- GPC England executive team and new chair of GPC UK
- GPC GP Bulletin