Bulletin 21.01.2014
Care.data, Important Information
Throughout January 2014, every household in England will receive a leaflet from NHS England about information and data sharing, which will support practices with their public awareness raising activities. The leaflet describes how information in medical records is used for purposes beyond the direct care of the patient, including the care.data programme. It is important that GP practices continue to raise awareness proactively with their patients about the ways in which patient information is used and shared beyond direct care. Our area is will be one of the first to receive this leaflet which will include the telephone number of a dedicated patient information line that came into operation on 6 January. BMA and patient representatives have been involved in the wording of the leaflet. GP practices should also have received an email communication shortly before the household leaflet drop. This includes a link to the leaflet and updated GP and patient FAQs. Once the leaflet has been delivered to households, patients will have a minimum of four weeks to read the leaflet and register their objection at the GP practice, if they wish to do so before the first extract begins. Extractions of GP data for care.data will begin in Spring 2014. Background information and existing guidance are available on the BMA and NHS England websites.
GP Workforce, Flu Vaccination Data Collection
Public Health are currently requesting practices provide data with regard to the number of GP practice staff who have received the flu vaccination. It would be deemed that practices should provide this information as this request would fall under the ‘reasonable request for data’ as covered in the flu DES as well as falling under information required in line with the tripartite letter. Practices are required to submit the data using ImmForm and we understand that the information required is brief and far less onerous than the patient data you submit. The next data collection window is open from Monday 3 February to Tuesday 11 February and submissions should be made by selecting the ‘Healthcare Worker GP Collection Tool’ on ImmForm. Public Health are happy to support and/or talk through any practice who is having difficulties with this submission – telephone 0113 825 1600 and ask to speak to the immunisation coordinator. We would encourage practices to complete the submission of the data within the 7 day window to ensure contractual compliance. Please contact Janice.foster@tees.nhs.uk if you have any further questions.
Special Patient Notes (SPNs)
CLMC would like to remind practices of the importance of utilising special patient notes. Where there are special instructions, complex medical needs or agreed care plans in place, SPNs are the sole reliable method that Out of Hours providers and 111 can utilise to ensure that patient, and in hour GP, wishes and requirements are followed efficiently and effectively. SPNs can assist in ensuring continuity of appropriate care and safety and may assist in reducing emergency admissions. Sharing key information minimises any misinterpretation of circumstances or a misunderstanding of a patient’s condition/situation and empowers the out of hours GP to manage the patients in a manner consistent with the in-hours care. It is particularly important now 111 manage calls as it will assist the telephone assessment process for your patients. Common examples where SPNs are of particular use include information regarding violent patients, drug seeking behaviour, advanced care plans (e.g. not for admission), palliative care plans, vulnerable adults and safeguarding issues.
British National Formulary (BNF)
NICE is now only going to fund a single edition of BNF per year for practices even though the formulary will be published twice yearly. Bearing in mind that the CQC may expect practices to use an up-to-date formulary it may be prudent for doctors to familiarise themselves with the online BNF.
BMA 2014 Research Grant
The BMA was among the first of the professional bodies to award grants and prizes to encourage and further medical research. Today, ten research grants are administered under the auspices of the Board of Science, all funded by legacies left to the BMA. Grants totalling approximately £500,000 are awarded annually. Applications are invited from medical practitioners and/or research scientists, for research in progress or prospective research. The 2014 research grants will be available to apply for online from 10 December this year. The application deadline is 14 March 2014 at 5pm. Subject specifications for each grant vary. For example, in 2014, research areas range from rheumatism and arthritis, cardiovascular disease and cancer to neurological disorders and clinical outcome measures. For more information on the grants on offer in 2014 and details of how to apply follow this link. Please disseminate this information as widely as possible, in particular to any potential applicants. If you have any questions about the BMA research grants, or would like to receive alerts about them, please contact Hugh Garnett at info.sciencegrants@bma.org.uk or telephone 020 7383 6755.