Bulletin 19.05.2015

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Bulletin 19.05.2015

CQC Registration for GP Federations, CQC Guidance
CQC has published this guidance for GP federations on registration requirements in response to the increasing groups of registered GP practices and primary care teams who are collaborating. These groups, sometimes known as ‘federations’ can be either a formal or informal association of practices that work together to provide a greater range of services or to share knowledge. This guidance will help groups of registered providers who wish to form a federation to understand their duties and responsibilities around CQC registration. The CQC have summarised the issues that federations should consider and provided case studies to illustrate different registration scenarios.

Childhood Immunisations, Drop in Payments
Some practices may have experienced a drop in childhood immunisation payments against targets. This is due to a change to the SFE stems from the changes made to the Men C schedule in 2013-14, in that it now only requires 1 dose rather than 2, which only came in to effect from 1 April 2015. This change is also briefly mentioned in the 2015/16 GMS guidance document (page 36, footnote 61), and is also highlighted in the document Implementing the 2015/16 GP contract – Changes to Personal Medical Services and Alternative Provider Medical Services contracts (page 8).

DES Business Rules 15/16
The first of the Enhanced Service Business Rules for 2015/16 have now been published and includes Dementia, Learning Disabilities, Rotavirus and Pneumococcal with others to follow as and when completed and timeframes agreed.

LMC Annual Conference Agenda 2015
The Agenda for the LMC Annual Conference has now been published.

Sessional GP Newsletter
The May edition of the sessional GP newsletter features Top Tips on Working in OOH, and some interesting blogs – ‘I wanted so much to respect his last wishes’ and ‘How sport keeps me sane’. The Chair’s message focuses on the LMC Conference.

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