Bulletin 18.09.2012
GP Practice Staff Census
This week, practices will receive a request, from NEPCSA, to provide data with regard to GP practice staff numbers. This is part of an annual national census. We support this process and urge practices to provide the data as it feeds into necessary workforce planning.
Medicines Use Review Feedback Forms
On 1 September a new Medicines Use Review (MUR) feedback form was introduced, so practices may soon start receiving such forms. This form is for pharmacists to advise GPs of any issues that had been uncovered during an MUR consultation that the GP may wish to be aware of.
GPC Message re CCG Constitutions
The GPC are receiving reports of CCGs placing increasing pressure on practices to ‘sign up’ to constitutions by a certain deadline in order for the CCG to meet the timescales of authorisation. The NHSCB have been clear in meetings with the GPC that CCGs will only be authorised if they can demonstrate adequate engagement with practices. CCGs that rush or skip this engagement may find that in their rush to be authorised, they jeopardise their chances of progressing successfully to authorisation. It is vital that time is taken to ensure that the early development of CCG is well thought through and involves all the member practices. If you are concerned about the development of your CCG please email the GPC at info.commissioning@bma.org.uk.