Bulletin 18.05.2010

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Bulletin 18.05.2010

SCR Statements (update)

Statements have been released by the BMA and DH (to SHA) to update all involved on the current stance with regard to SCR. They can be viewed here: joint BMA/NHSE statementstatement/letter to SHAs

GP Patient Survey Update

This update aims to explain the results process for the 2009/10 GP Patient Survey, directing practices to sources of information and helping to prepare for the release of final survey data for this year.

Learning Disabilities DES Guidance

The DH has published guidance on the LD DES which is available to download here. Following the introduction of the LD DES, the GPC requested that NHSE and the DH provide further guidance on the DES to assist with implementation. Unfortunately, although the guidance answers some of the concerns, many outstanding issues remain. The DH guidance has failed to address concerns about the ambiguity in interpretation of the DES, the scope for room for unacceptable local variations in its implementation and the resulting potential for disagreements between GPs and PCTs to arise. GPC has written to Anne Williams, National Director for Learning Difficulties at the DH to raise these issues.

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