Bulletin 15.12.2020

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Bulletin 15.12.2020
  • COVID-19 vaccination programme (CVP) national guidance (CLMC provided specific legal advice on the generic Collaboration Agreement document via email on Friday to all GPs and PMs). As always this area of work is fast moving so the information is as out of date as quickly as it is written. Please ensure you keep up to date via the NHSE, PHE and GPC websites.
  • University of Oxford / AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine trial data
  • Ethnicity data
  • 2019/20 annual allowance charge compensation scheme
  • Christmas parties and gifts – accountancy advice
  • Medical Aid Films community language COVID-19 resources
  • EU Exit update – medicines supply continuity letter
  • Workforce data reminder
  • Investment and Impact Fund 2020/21 – reminder to sign up to PCN CQRS service