Bulletin 14.04.2015

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Bulletin 14.04.2015

Care Certificate, GPC Guidance
Following the introduction of the Care Certificate in April 2015 please refer to this Focus On document which outlines the key details and the GPC position.

Premises Infrastructure Fund
This briefing outlines the regional recommendations arising from the assessment of bids received for funding in 2015/16 under the General Practice Infrastructure Fund. Nationally, 1000 practices will benefit from the first tranche of £1bn to improve premises. Further tranches will be rolled out over the next 3 years and practices who would like to bid but were not in a position to do so for the first tranche due to the extremely short notice should consider preparing a business case in advance.

QOF Business Rules v31.0
The QOF Business Rules v31.0  have been published.

QOF Data Extraction by CQRS, NHS E Delivery Plan
NHS England and the HSCIC have put together this delivery plan (with link to attached document titled QOF Data Extraction by CQRS 2015) for the 2014/15 year end QOF data collections. It has also been confirmed that a threshold of between 84- 85% of practice data returns is acceptable to trigger achievement and aspiration payments. The process and return level mirrors previous years.

MenC/MenW Vaccination Programme
Public Health England asks GPs not to start MenC Freshers programme because of the current MenW outbreak. Following a rapid increase in meningococcal group W (MenW) disease in England, the JCVI  recommended an emergency programme to vaccinate all 14-18 years-olds (school years 10-13) with a quadrivalent MenACWY conjugate vaccine to provide direct and herd protection to the whole population. PHE is urgently trying to procure sufficient MenACWY vaccine to vaccinate those currently in Year 13 the summer. Therefore, PHE is asking GPs to delay the current MenC Freshers programme  due to start in April until the MenACWY vaccine becomes available. This will avoid the need to revaccinate this group to provide additional protection against MenW.

Following a JCVI recommendation to vaccinate against MenW, NHS England has made provisions in the MenC freshers programme to accommodate a change of vaccine from MenC to MenACWY mid-year. To ensure the freshers receive the most effective vaccine and avoid the need to recall them at a later date, PHE and NHS England are requesting a delayed start to the delivery of the MenC freshers programme until the new MenACWY vaccine is available. This decision is based purely on clinical grounds to ensure that patients receive the most appropriate vaccine. This delay will not change the agreed terms of the freshers programme or have any impact on the payment practices receive once the programme commences.

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