Bulletin 14.03.2016

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Bulletin 14.03.2016

Avoiding Unplanned Admissions Data, Component 3
Practices will have received an email from NHS England (10 March) highlighting an issue on the sequential order in which practices input the necessary READ codes for unplanned admissions. This particularly seems pertinent to EMIS practices but if you have not received the email please contact janice.foster@nhs.net .Practices are strongly advised to utilise the dummy run feature on CQRS to identify and provide the opportunity amend any coding errors prior to the official collection for component 3 on 31st March 2016.If you are unsure how to do this (explained in the same 10 March email) please email janice.foster@nhs.net. NHS E have assured us that they anticipate some appeal of data on CQRS and if you believe you have achieved the 2% goal in line with the SLA but this is not reflected in the CQRS extraction, there will be an opportunity to provide evidence to support this. All evidence will be reviewed but may take a little time to work through.

Contract Requirements for 15/16 Year End
Practices are reminded of the 31 March 2016 deadline for elements of the GP contract.

Practices should, on their website and practice leaflet, make reference to the fact that all patients have been allocated a named GP, and include information about patients’ options. The mean earnings for all GPs in their practice should also be published on the website. Practices should also offer access to the detailed patient record online, where requested by the patient. Further guidance on these requirements is available in the GMS guidance and a patient online practice toolkit, including guidance on records access, is available from the Royal College of GPs.

16/17 Global Sum Figure Explanation
It has now been confirmed that the global sum figure for 2016/17 is £80.59. This works out as an increase of 5.9%, but this figure requires an explanation. In 2015/16 there were two global sum figures, to accommodate a reduction in seniority payments with simultaneous reinvestment into global sum. This was carried out mid-year in October 2015. Therefore, the value of global sum for the first half of 2015/16 was £75.77, and for the second half of 2015/16 was £76.51. In order to most accurately demonstrate the increase for the whole year 2015/16 to 2016/17, NHS England has used the mean average of those two figures, £76.14, to represent 2015/16 global sum. NHS England will be publishing an FAQ to explain the above.

Zika Guidance Update
The joint Zika guidance for primary care has been updated to reflect the new wording for travel recommendations for pregnant women and clarification of advice on sexual transmission. The changes include:

  1. Updated travel advice for pregnant women
  2. Clarification of advice on preventing sexual transmission to pregnant women and women planning pregnancy and their male partners
  3. Clarification of symptoms associated with typical Zika virus infection
  4. Further clarification on obtaining diagnostic samples and completing RIPL request forms
  5. Links to new advice on Zika and immunocompromised patients, and the Guillain-Barre syndrome
  6. New section on minor procedures in the primary care setting, including dentistry

This Public Health England News Story has further information HERE.

The guidance is also available on the BMA website.

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