Bulletin 12.05.2015
GMS Ready Reckoner
You may be interested to know that NHS Employers has published a GMS ready reckoner for 2015/16. It is the spreadsheet labelled GMS ready reckoner.
EMIS Named GP Read Code
The EMIS National User Group has now confirmed that the ‘patient allocated named accountable general practitioner’ (9NN60) code was included in this month’s drug and Read code update MKB102.
Bulletin 264
Sexual Health Service Review Survey
The current contract expires on the 31 March 2016 and a full sexual health review and procurement is being undertaken with a view to re-procuring an integrated sexual health service for Teesside to be in place for 1 April 2016. To help inform commissioning plans views of those General Practices that provide services either under their core contract or as part of a subcontract arrangement with Virgincare are being sought to help shape the redesign of sexual health services across Tees. Further information is available here. Anyone in the practice can complete the survey online and it can be completed by more than one person. Alternatively, you can download a paper copy of the survey and return to the freepost address on the bottom of the survey.
EHIC Incentive Scheme & Charging for Primary Care, GPC Update and FAQs
This document updates the position with regard to charging for primary care and also provides FAQs on the EHIC scheme for secondary care that was introduced in October 2014.