Bulletin 09.06.2009

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Bulletin 09.06.2009

Patient Survey
The GPC has produced further guidance. You can view this by following this link.

A number of practices have raised concerns with the LMC regarding the Patient Survey; in particular around the results of PE7 and PE8 and the consequential financial impact they will have on practice income.

The LMC strongly recommend that any practice which is concerned lodges a right to appeal with the PCT using the GPC produced template letter. You will find the template letter by following this link  Please be aware, you can sign off your QoF whilst simultaneously lodging a right to appeal so as not to delay other financial settlements.

One particular area of concern voiced by practices is around the adequacy of samples used and the unexpected results produced. You can request your confidence intervals from the PCT. Your confidence interval should be 7% or less to get a ‘true’ result to PE7 and PE8. We strongly recommend that you request your full information from the PCT if you have not received this already.

The concerns across Tees echo those voiced throughout the country and the GPC are exploring this at a national level. We will issue further advice and information as it becomes available.

The DH has published some guidance for PCTs. Whilst the GPC still has serious concerns with this document you may find it interesting reading. You can view the document by following this link.
If you have any further questions or would like to voice your concerns to the LMC please do so via janice.foster@middlesbroughpct.nhs.uk  in the first instance.

BMA Employer Advisory Service
The BMA now has a BMA Employer Advisory service which is available to support and advise GP employers as opposed to GPs, who are now often salaried as well. Practices can access the service by contacting, in the first instance, David Carter the regional BMA Industrial Relations Officer. David is happy to visit practices (as long as one GP is a BMA member) to make a presentation in relation to protocols for employing staff. Practices should contact David directly to book an appointment.

BMA Launches ‘Look after our NHS’
The aim of this campaign is to raise awareness of the impact that market-driven reforms are having on the NHS. The BMA have long argued that Government policy to allow commercially-run firms to provide NHS services are not delivering as promised. If these reforms continue, the BMA believe the impact on patient care, doctors’ working lives and the local health environment will be damaging.

The BMA has drawn up a list of 8 key Principles for its vision of the NHS which we are urging all doctors to support.

A new website – www.lookafterournhs.org.uk  – is the hub of the BMA’s calls to action.
These are:

• Support the BMA’s key Principles
• Provide examples of how NHS market reforms are affecting doctors and their patients
• Share views and experiences

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