Bulletin 08.09.2009

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Bulletin 08.09.2009

PE7 & PE8, Patient Survey

The LMC is collating information as to how practices have faired with the patient survey and in particular PE7 & PE8. Please can you drop us a quick email (to janice.foster@middlesbroughpct.nhs.uk) to let us know:

a) how did you fair with your scoring on PE7 e.g. was it higher, lower or as expected?
b) how did you fair with your scoring on PE8 e.g. was it higher, lower or as expected?
c) did you appeal your results and if yes what was your evidence and what has been the outcome?

Please do try and provide as much information as possible to enable the LMC to build up a true picture to, if required and appropriate, decide on next steps.

Continuation of Treatment for Terminally Ill Patients

Practices may already have read the July LMC Minutes (Min. Ref. 09/07/22), which refer to the case of a terminally ill patient whose own practice felt unable to continue the care in the terminal period because the patient was outside of the practice area. There are a number of issues which are raised in situations such as this. Principally, how patients are admitted to nursing homes and, from the practice point of view, whether or not GPs feel that they are able or willing to provide services in exceptional circumstances outside of their normal practice area; more widely there is a need to consider how GPs are seen by the public.

The LMC is pursuing the question of admissions to nursing homes and hospices separately but would like to take the opportunity of reminding practices that there is nothing which prohibits them from providing care to patients outside their normal area or even outside their own PCT, so long as it is clear that this is being done on the basis of a definite practice decision which has been based on grounds which in no way discriminates unfairly against categories or types of patients.

If a decision is made to provide care in such circumstances, it is important that the whole of the practice team is aware of this so that there is no confusion about whether or not care is being provided by the practice.

Information Commissioners Office (ICO), Registration Costs

The LMC has been made aware of a bogus organisation that is targeting practices requesting they make a payment to renew their Data Protection Act registration. There is a tick box on the form which asks if the respondent is a public body (the Data Protection Act website clearly states that this applies to practices) and if this box is ticked the registration fee jumps up from the current £35 to (up to) £500.

The ICO are aware of this and have issued a warning to be extra vigilant. They have clarified that GPs are defined as Public Authorities wit regard to the Freedom of Information Act as they provide NHS services but they still only pay £35 when it comes to paying the fee for registration under the Data Protection Act – not the £500 as suggested.This agency is fraudulently asking you to make payment to them in order to complete your registration.

In short, if any agency requests you make a payment of more than £35 to complete you Data Protection Registration then avoid these services altogether and contact your Local Trading Standards Office and inform them of the situation.

BMA Employer Advisory Service Flyer

In past bulletins we have included information regarding the BMA Employer Advisory Service. The service has been set up specifically to provide advice and support to BMA members who employ staff to assist them in dealing with a variety of employment relation and employment law matters.
Click here to view their flyer with further information.

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