Bulletin 08.06.2010
European Medical Directory Scam
WARNING – it’s here again! We have had reports, locally and nationally, that there is another round of circulars from the European Medical Directory/Med1web/Novachannel scam. What ever it is calling itself this time round it is the same wolf in sheep’s clothing. DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING! It will cost you!
Employment Contract Reflecting ISA Registration
As of November 2010 it is mandatory for all new clinical staff (GPs, HCA, Nurses) employed by practices, directly or through an agency e.g. locums, phlebotomists, to have ISA registration to comply with the vetting and barring scheme. In preparation for this we would suggest practices may like to consult their professional advisors to ensure that there is a clause written into all employment contracts to cover ISA registration. This should extend to contracts/agreements covering the use of agency provision to ensure staff through this route also comply. Amending contracts can take some time due to the staff consultation requirements so it is advisable to think about the implications and start the process now. Further details on the vetting and barring scheme and ISA registration can be found here and in this useful FAQ.
The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence seeks new professional members for its Topic Selection consideration panels. This panel invitation letter from NICE provides more details.
The GPC’s Sessional GPs Representation Working Group, set up to review the representation of sessional GPs at a national and local level, has published its report which can be viewed here. To inform its work, the working group also commissioned an extensive research exercise, taking in the views of sessional GPs, LMCs and other external organisations. The report recommends a number of reforms to the way in which sessional GPs are represented within the GPC. These are as follows:
- Delegating authority to the Sessional GPs Subcommittee of the GPC so that sessional GP representatives act on matters wholly or primarily relating to sessional GPs.
- Doubling the size of the subcommittee to 16 members.
- The formation of a sessional GPs executive committee, which will meet regularly and with the GPC’s negotiating team when necessary.
- Four permanent seats on the GPC for members of the sessional GPs subcommittee, in addition to the sessional GPs already elected via regional and national elections.