Bulletin 08.01.2013

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Bulletin 08.01.2013

Locum Superannuation
The government is proposing that from April 2013, GP practices will pay locums’ employer pensions contributions, which are currently paid by PCOs. The GPC understands that the intention is that the funds would be moved into global sum. This change would be introduced via amendments to the NHS Pension Scheme Regulations, which are currently being consulted on by the government. The GPC is very concerned about the implications both for practices and for GP locums and the BMA will be responding to the consultation to express these concerns, as well as raising it via GPC negotiations with the Department.

NHS Commissioning Board (NHSCB) ‘Everyone Counts’ Planning Guidance
The NHSCB has published planning guidance for CCGs ‘Everyone Counts’ which outlines priorities set by the NHSCB, financial allocations and contains details of the Quality Premium. The GPC has opposed plans for the Quality Premium – a financial incentive for commissioners – on the grounds that it has potential to exacerbate health inequalities, as CCGs commissioning for more challenging populations may find it more difficult to achieve any award available. Further details about how the Quality Premium will be calculated are expected in January 2013, however, the reward will be dependent on CCGs achieving:

  • High standards against four outcome measures drawn from the NHS Outcomes Framework, which for 2013/14 will be:

o potential years of life lost from causes considered amenable to healthcare

o avoidable emergency admissions

o patient feedback – the Friends and Family Test

o incidence of MRSA and C Difficile;

  • Three locally identified measures to be agreed between CCGs and the NHSCB in consultation with Health and Wellbeing Boards and patient representatives;

  • No ‘significant quality failures’ during the year;

  • No overspend on approved Resource Limit in 2013/14;

  • The NHS Constitution Rights and Pledges.

The GPC will continue to work to influence plans for the Quality Premium and will be lobbying on the calculations guidance and regulatory framework when they are published.

Further to the recent questions relating to the local Directory of Service (Dos) the NHS 111 National Clinical Advisors have provided this FAQ document on behalf of the Department of Health.

King’s Fund – Time to Think Differently
The King’s Fund has recently launched their new Time to Think Differently programme. A central aim of Time to Think Differently is to stimulate debate about the changes needed for the NHS and social care to meet the challenges of the future. Firstly, the King’s Fund has created some online content on the trends that will influence the way health and social care is delivered in future. Secondly, over the next few months the King’s Fund will be looking at the challenges that lie ahead and discussing potential solutions and providing the opportunity for individuals and organisations to feed into this debate through their website.

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