Bulletin 07.12.2010

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Bulletin 07.12.2010

Tees Commissioning Event 2 (18 Nov) Scribe Notes

You can view the notes from each locality breakout group by following the links below. These notes are as recorded at the event to aid practices and have been kindly collated and provided by the PCT. The LMC will also be discussing these notes and considering next steps.

Hartlepool Notes
Middlesbrough Notes
Redcar & Cleveland Notes
Stockton Notes

Public Health White Paper

The White Paper on Public Health has been released along with a consultation document. You can view both documents here.

Practice Registered Patients List Cleansing

As you will be aware, a list cleansing exercise was recently undertaken across Tees by the NEFHSA. However, last month the Department of Health wrote to all SHAs asking them to work with PCTs, who in turn will work with LMCs, to carry out patient list cleansing exercises but to ensure that the process is sensitive to the many requirements being placed on practices at this time, and that due recognition is placed on the many demands on individuals’ time and expertise. PCTs have also been asked to make sure that they recognise the most vulnerable in this process: that those without a fixed address or with communication issues arising from language or literacy needs are not disadvantaged in the list cleaning processes.

GPC Sessional GPs White Paper Guidance

The GPC has published a new guidance document in its series on the NHS White Paper. The guidance outlines to sessional GPs the changes proposed in the NHS White Paper, explains how and why they could become involved in these changes, and discusses other potential impacts on the working lives of sessional GPs. The document is available here.

‘Difficult to Obtain’ Medicines List

All doctors should be aware that The Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee publishes a list of medicines that pharmacies have reported having problems obtaining. This list is regularly updated and is available here.

Warning, Debt Collectors and Patients Confidentiality

We have been made aware of concerns (elsewhere in the country) that debt collectors have been contacting practices, pretending to be healthcare professionals, in order to get personally identifiable information about patients. If you have any requests of this kind or are suspicious of a request please notify the LMC.

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