Bulletin 07.04.2009

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Bulletin 07.04.2009

Full DDRB Report
Last week we published guidance as to what the DDRB’s recommendations meant for you practice. The report of the Doctors’ and Dentists’ Review Body (DDRB) has now been published.
You can view the full report by following this link.

Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) guidance
The GPC has published general guidance on Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) as it applies to GPs. SDLT is payable on transactions relating to UK land and buildings and although not all transactions involving GPs will be liable for SDLT, it is likely to affect an increasing number of practices in the future, due to the increasing number of practices occupying leasehold premises and the varying nature of the property market. Note that this guidance is not a substitute for individually tailored professional accountancy and tax advice and that GPs should always seek such professional advice when considering a transaction that may be subject to SDLT. You can view the guidance here.

National Complaints Procedure
As you will be aware, the new national complaints procedure came into being 1 April 09. On the same date the Care Quality Commission also came into being. People wishing to complain may choose to make their complaint orally, in writing or electronically to the PCT rather than the practice and there will now only be 2 stages to resolving complaints; local resolution at practice/PCT level and referral to the Ombudsman. Guidance on the new complaints procedure is available in a document titled ‘Listening, Responding, Improving: a guide to better customer care’.
You can view the document and supporting literature by following this link.

You can view the new complaints regulations here.

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