Bulletin 07.01.2014
Compliance Aids and Change of Medication
For safety reasons it is important that practices issue complete new prescriptions for all medication within compliance aids/blister packs/medipacks, even if the original prescription is only partially changed e.g. only 1 medication in 10 is to be changed in order for a complete new compliance aid be issued. We appreciate that this may result in a lot of wastage but, without a complete new script, there is risk of human error in removing the correct medication and the pharmacy will not be aware of the conditions under which the medication has been stored so there would be safety concerns for the pharmacist in accepting and reissuing medication that has already left the premises. This guidance was issued by the PSNC (with BMA input) and provides more information if required.
Guidance for the Implementation of Repeat Dispensing
This joint guidance for the implementation of repeat dispensing was produced by the BMA, PSNC and NHS Employers and explains briefly but clearly what repeat dispensing is, how suitable patients might be identified and the potential benefits.