Bulletin 05.10.2010
9th Sept LMC/PCT Event – Summary of Facilitated Groups Feedback
We have now collated all the feedback gathered at the event. Thank you once again for engaging fully on the day, there were a lot of comments to work through. The LMC has tried to reflect the general feelings expressed and draw conclusions on taking commissioning forward on a single page for each question. The LMC summary can be viewed here. The PCT have provided a full copy of the information captured on the flip charts here.
If you would like to arrange a meeting with Janice to discuss any elements of the event or GP commissioning going forward please do not hesitate to call 01642 737 627 or email janice.foster@middlesbroughpct.nhs.uk.
NHS White Paper, BMA Response to Consultation
The BMA has published its response to the NHS White Paper ‘Equity and Excellence: Liberating the NHS’. This response sets out the BMA’s position on the key themes and overall direction of travel for the NHS described in the White Paper, as well as views on specific reforms and initiatives. A briefing page can be viewed on the BMA website and all of the associated documents and BMA responses can be found on the website here or by following the links below:
- White Paper summary response
- White Paper full response
- Commissioning for Patients Consultation summary response
- Commissioning for Patients Consultation full response
- Regulating Healthcare Providers Consultation summary response
- Regulating Healthcare Providers Consultation full response
- Transparency in Outcomes Consultation summary response
- Transparency in Outcomes Consultation full response
- Increasing Local Democratic Legitimacy in Health Consultation summary response
- Increasing Local Democratic Legitimacy in Health Consultation full response
This report of a round-table meeting hosted by the GPC and attended by a range of national health organisations and local commissioning groups explores the White Paper commissioning proposals and identifies key issues for GP Consortia commissioning.
You may also wish to take time to listen to this interview with Hamish Meldrum on the implications of the White Paper via this BMA Podcast link.