Bulletin 05.03.2013
Sharps Guidance
The Health and Safety Executive are introducing new Regulations in response to a new European directive on preventing sharps injuries in the healthcare sector (Council Directive 2010/32/EU). The HSE have not yet confirmed when the regulations will come into force, but the directive must be implemented by 11 May 2013. We advise all practices to make use of the outline of the requirements of the directive available on pages 8-9 of the Royal College of Nursing’s Sharps Safety leaflet, and the employers’ checklist on page 17.
NHS (Pharmaceutical & Local Pharmaceutical Services) Regulations 2013
The NHS (Pharmaceutical and Local Pharmaceutical Services) Regulations 2013 were laid on 22 February and will come into force on 1 April 2013. Most PCT duties and functions will transfer to the NHS Commissioning Board, and Local Authority Health and Well Being Boards will take over responsibility for the development and publication of local pharmaceutical needs assessments from PCTs.
Error in 2012/13 QOF Guidance Indicator OST1
The GPC and NHS Employers and have been made aware of an error in the 2012/13 QOF guidance for indicator OST1. The sentence ‘the DXA scan codes will only be those that indicate a positive result of osteoporosis, and T score codes will not be included’ under the reporting and verification section is incorrect (see page 140 of the 12/13 guidance) and contradicts the business rules. It should read ‘The DXA scan codes will only be those that indicate a positive result of osteoporosis’. This correction does not impact the supporting business rules that are correct. Note that a revised version of the 2012/13 guidance will not be issued, and the full guidance is available here.