Bulletin 04.03.2014

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Bulletin 04.03.2014


£5 Per Head Funding for Practices to Improve Care for Vulnerable Older Adults
NHS England’s recent planning guidance, Everyone Counts, recognises the need for practices to be given additional resources to provide improved quality of care for patients over the age of 75, over and above the avoiding unplanned admissions enhanced service that will be coming into effect in April. CCGs are expected to fund practices at around £5 pounds per head of practice population. For more information see page 14 (Part 1, paragraphs 36 and 37) in this NHS guidance. The LMC has contacted the CCGs to request information on just how this funding will reach practices locally. 

Funding Redistribution for GMS Practices
You will be aware that from April 1, there will be funding changes for GMS practices as the phasing out of MPIG over a seven-year period commences. There will be redistribution of the correction factor across all GMS practices, with each ending with an equivalent weighted £ per head funding in seven years. This will mean that about half of GMS practices will lose funding, while the other half will gain. We are not aware of any Tees practices that fall into the ’98 outlier’ category but we are concerned about the impact on service provision and practice viability for those who will lose significant sums of money. If you feel you will be significantly adversely affected please contact the LMC (Janice.foster@tees.nhs.uk) so we can work with our Area Team to try and manage the impact. We have a meeting with the Area Team on 21 March where we will discuss this as well as discussing the local approach they are looking to take with regard to the PMS practice funding review.

NHSE Consultation: Framework for Managing Performer Concerns
NHS England has begun a formal consultation on its framework for managing performer concerns. The documents have been published and will be open for four weeks, closing midnight on Thursday 20th March. The framework incorporates the policy and high level procedures that together detail NHS England’s responsibility for holding and maintaining performers lists in respect of primary medical, dental and ophthalmic performers as detailed in the National Health Service (Performers Lists) (England) Regulations 2013. The framework aims to support Area Teams in managing their responsibility for performers seeking to join the relevant list and to support the few performers that may fall below expected standards once on the list. NHSE expects to publish the framework, annexes and a range of further guidance in April/May 2014. GPC will be preparing a submission to the consultation on behalf of the BMA, but if you would like to contribute as an individual GP, you can do so by contacting Kate Rogers, Responding to Concerns Project Manager, via kate.rogers2@nhs.net.

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