Bulletin 01.12.2009
Do not start to vaccinate under 5’s not at risk until negotiations are concluded.
Last week, the DH announced that private primary care providers are now able to obtain the H1N1 flu vaccine from PCTs in order to vaccinate private patients in the priority groups, as well as frontline healthcare staff providing direct patient care.Further information is available in the statement from the BMA’s private practice committee here.
The DH has also published this guidance on mental health services to support mental health trusts and other specialist mental health service providers implenting their plans for responding to the pandemic.
This is a national summary providing an overview of ten regional exercises which documents the high-level areas for further action. The exercise confirmed the extent and depth of planning that have already taken place in the NHS in preparing for an influenza pandemic.
Child Protection , requests for information
This is a joint GPC/RCGP letter to the profession on the issue of child protection. Please note that this will also be available on the BMA website. The RCGP may also distribute it to its members and the English DH is writing to PCTs with a copy.
Training Courses on GP Employment Law 2010
Please note that the programme of one day training courses for GP Partners and practice managers has been confirmed for 2010, including ‘Managing Change’, ‘Managing Performance’ and ‘Managing Staff’. Full details of the courses including registration fees are included on the webpage here.