Bulletin 29.03.2011
The Department of Health has issued this document which clarifies the position regarding the legal status of consortia. Bearing in mind this document and the day to day and ongoing challenges for shadow consortia, the GPC’s strong recommendation remains that consortia think very carefully before entering into contracts with third parties, in particular those of high value, exposure and/or long duration.
Seasonal Flu Vaccination Programme 2011/12
All practices should by now have received this letter from the Chief Medical Officer (England), which confirmed that the arrangements for procurement of vaccines for 2011/12 would remain the same as last year. Practices are responsible for ordering seasonal flu vaccine for the coming winter and should start ordering vaccines now, if they have not already done so. In the letter from the CMO, you will see that the government would like practices to order sufficient vaccine to cover 75% of their patients aged 65 or over, and at least 60% of patients under 65 in clinical risk groups (including pregnant women). The GPC have been informed that so far, practices have not increased their vaccine orders to take into account the localised shortages experienced last winter, and despite a rising number of patients in the at-risk groups. We would encourage practices to review their flu vaccine orders, to ensure that they have ordered sufficient number of vaccines for their patients in the at-risk groups.
Good Practice Guidelines for GP Electronic Patient Records
Version four of the Good Practice Guidelines has now been published. This latest version supersedes version 3.1, and will act as a reference and source of information for all those involved in developing, deploying and using general practice IT systems. This shorter quick reference guide and this Equality Analysis document are also available.
Focus on.. Taking on New Partners
This new guidance note looks at the factors GP practices may consider when deciding whether to take on a GP partner or salaried GP. Issues covered in the document include the cost of employing a salaried GP (including National Insurance contributions and employer’s superannuation), the impact of the tax burden for existing partners earning over £100,000, as well as the benefits of taking on a new partner.
Managing Medicines in Nursery Schools
This Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage outlines the policy for administering medicines to children in nurseries. The Department of Education and Skills has also issued this ‘Managing medicines in schools and early year settings‘ guidance which sets out the framework for Local Authorities, PCTs and schools to use to ensure that children requiring medicines receive the support they need. This guidance contains information about Health Care Plans for such children, involving the parents and relevant health professionals.