Bulletin 27.10.2015
Patient Objection Data, HSCIC Request
Practices receive an offer from the HSCIC, available from 21 October, to participate in the collection called ‘Patient Objections Management’ within CQRS. The deadline for participation has not been specified, but practices have been asked to participate as soon as possible ahead of the first extract. Extractions will run monthly from December 2015. GPC strongly recommends practices participate in this collection to allow the HSCIC to uphold patient objections to their data being shared in line with the directions under section 259 of the Health and Social Care Act 2012. Patients are able to register objections with their practice to prevent their identifiable data being released outside of the practice for purposes beyond their direct care (known as a Type 1 objection), or to prevent their identifiable data from any health and social care setting being released by the HSCIC for purposes beyond their direct care (known as a Type 2 objection). The HSCIC will be collecting the following data:
For patients with a Type 2 objection (or a withdrawn Type 2 objection), the NHS Number, objection code(s) and code date will be extracted. The collection of patient identifiable data (NHS Number) is necessary to allow the HSCIC to uphold these objections. The data will be used internally by the HSCIC and will not be published or released;
Aggregate data on the number of Type 1 and Type 2 objections. This will allow the HSCIC to monitor the rate of objections.
Queries on how to participate should be directed to the HSCIC contact centre via enquiries@hscic.gov.uk with ‘Patient Objections Management data collection’ in the subject line, or by calling 0300 303 5678.
Dedicated End of Life Transport
A dedicated transport service for patients who are imminently dying will be available until 31 March 2016. Please refer to this booking process and information document for further details Referrals should be made, only when the patient is ready to travel, by ringing the ‘Urgent’ line on 0191 414 3144. The Tees service is available between 11am and 7pm 7 days per week (including Bank Holidays) and but bookings can only be taken between 8.30 and 5pm. The dedicated booking line is available 24 hours per day to receive cancellations. This is not a dedicated helpline for end of life/palliative care transport requests so please clearly state you are requesting ‘palliative care transport’. If your call is not answered immediately, please remain on the line as the call handlers will be aware of your call. For more information about this service, please contact Andrew.Airlie@neas.nhs.uk. This service has been added to the LMC Patient Transport to Hospital flow chart.
Childhood Flu Vaccine Shortage
Due to shortages of the childhood flu vaccine Fluenz, Public Health England and MHRA have agreed that practices can instead use the US labelled FluMist® Quadrivalent, which is fully licensed for use in the UK. Public Health England has published FAQs, which explain about the batch expiry date, includes a link to a template PGD, and how to record it on the clinical system (either as ‘Influenza vaccine (Live attenuated)’ or ‘Fluenz Tetra’). Public Health England has also produced separate guidance on cold chain failures. Further information is available in the special edition of Vaccine Update, Live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) for the UK childhood flu programme.
TPP Data Extraction Issues
We have been made aware of an issue affecting TPP SystmOne practices and the automated extract for childhood flu and shingles – this is due to problems with TPP’s data extract accreditation. TPP practices are being asked to revert back to manual claims for this activity, and will be contacted directly by the HSCIC, who sent the following information with regard to the flu issues:
‘This note is to alert you to a problem that has arisen with one of the GP systems providers, TPP. The HSCIC has discovered that the TPP validation and assurance for the automated extract for childhood flu does not meet the required standards set by the HSCIC. This means that the data these practices present for payment cannot be guaranteed as being accurate and as a result the reported activity may not be correct, and practices could be either under or over paid. As the planned extract was scheduled to run last night and to delay could impact on payments for all practices, the HSCIC made the decision to exclude TPP from this run. We support HSCIC‘s recommendation that until TPP can provide assurance that meets the required standards, their practices should be advised that they must revert back to manual claims for flu activity.
The HSCIC will immediately progress communications with practices and regional team users to advise them of the change in procedure and what they must do. They will work with TPP to deliver this. As the manual system is in place and well established, practices are aware of what is required to make a claim. In addition, under the manual system which is directly into CQRS, claims do not need to be in until later in the month, so payment can be processed in time for the due date.
We will ensure that you are kept informed of the actions that HSCIC are taking to mitigate the risks of this failure by TPP to follow HSCIC’s validation and assurance procedures. HSCIC will send out a message to regional teams and TPP will also send a communication out to their practices.’
GPC have raised concerns with NHS England/HSCIC about the burden this may place on practices, and asked if future extractions may be affected and what steps are being taken to ensure TPP’s validation and assurance are fit for purpose in future.
PGDs for Travel Immunisations
There has been a cession of travel vaccine Patient Group Directions (PGDs) for practice nurses in some areas. NHS England and Public Health England have restated that individual prescribing is the normal preferred route for patients to receive medicines; however PGDs should be used where there is a clear benefit to the patient. NHS England agreed with GPC that nurses should still be able to give travel vaccines under a PGD. Where a PGD is in place patients can have their travel immunisation needs assessed on an individual basis by a health care professional, and if vaccines are indicated and a PGD is in place these could be provided without unnecessary delay or inconvenience. Public Health England are currently working on a national template PGD for Revaxis (Td/IPV) which includes travel indications, which underlies their support for the concept of PGDs for travel.
Cameron Fund Christmas Appeal
It is that time of year again when the Cameron Fund seeks your support for their Christmas Appeal – it seems to get earlier every year so apologies for mentioning Christmas in October! The Cameron Fund is the only charity which solely assists General Practitioners and is grateful for the support it regularly receives; since its creation in 1970, the Fund has assisted over 1,450 GPs, former GPs and their families. The Christmas Appeal to colleagues has made a real difference to the Cameron Fund in the past and the continuing work they do to support your colleagues.