Bulletin 27.04.2010

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Bulletin 27.04.2010

Revalidation Consultation

1 March the GMC launched a consultation on its proposals for how revalidation will work in practice and on 31 March launched a consultation toolkit to help local groups of doctors have their say on GMC plans. The toolkit, which is web-based, can be found at here; where you can find out more information about the consultation and download a consultation document. If you have a question about the toolkit, please email thewayahead@gmc-uk.org. The GMC hope you find the toolkit helpful and look forward to receiving your views on their proposals. They do want to hear from as many doctors as possible as the feedback they receive as part of this consultation will help further develop plans for revalidation.

H1N1 for Travel

A reminder that GPs can generally charge patients for administering an H1N1 vaccine in connection with travel abroad and there is no funding available through the PCT for H1N1 purely for travel purposes -unless the patients are:

  • patients in the priority groups defined in the Swine Flu directed enhanced service;
  • patients who are in a group covered by any local scheme under which the contractor is paid for administering the H1N1 vaccine;

and you are participating in the DES or LES then no charge can be made. Patients in these groups should receive the vaccination free of charge in accordance with the directed enhanced service or in accordance with the local agreement even if their request is related to travel abroad.

Vaccinations and Immunisations National Support Team Visit

The Vaccination and Immunisation National Support Team (VINST) will be visiting our area Teesside on 5, 6 and 7 May and this is your opportunity to ensure the GPs voice is heard with regards to vaccs & imms in across Tees.

Their remit is to support improving the immunisation uptake to help deliver the public health, Public Service Agreements, local targets and vital signs. As you can imagine it is important there is a partnership approach locally to be successful in achieving immunisation targets, therefore the PCT are inviting practice managers, GPs and practice nurses to take part in a focus group 9 – 11am, Wednesday 5 May at the Education Centre in Norton.

The purpose of the visit is to identify opportunities and provide support to enable the delivery of the immunisation targets.This support visit from VINST takes the form of a local visit by a team of experienced practitioners to look at the processes, policies, strategies and also the opportunity to speak to individuals who can influence the immunisation rates on Teesside.

Please contact Wendy Francis (wendy.francis@northteespct.nhs.uk) or Bette Simpson (bette.simpson@northteespct.nhs.uk) if you are able to attend. We appreciate the difficulties in managing surgery time but it really is important that we get the practice voice heard at these events when we get the opportunity.

Bulletin 54

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