Bulletin 26.06.2012

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Bulletin 26.06.2012

PIP Silicone Breast Implants
The expert group on PIP implants chaired by Sir Bruce Keogh published its report earlier this week. A summary of the findings and recommendations of this expert group is included in these letters to MDs and GPs. The criteria for referral remains as outlined in the expert group interim report published in January, and is also included in the letters.

Joint BMA and NHS Employers guidance on QOF frequently asked questions for 2012/13 has been published here. These FAQs apply are for primary care organisations and general practices covering a number of historical issues and commonly asked questions.

NHS 111 Services
The Secretary of State for Health announced last week that he recognises that an extension of up to six months is required before local NHS 111 Services can be implemented in certain regions of England including the North East. The DH is keen to get as much clinical input as possible and Berenice Groves (berenice.groves@nhs.net) is the person in the North East responsible for coordinating the work and engagement with local CCGs in order to get local 111 services in place.

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