Bulletin 25.11.2014
NHS Property Services Lease Guidance
GPC have collaborated with BMA Law to put together this short guidance note about the NHS Property Services lease that is currently in circulation. It provides an outline of the headline issues and key provisions arising from the lease including:
- Break clauses
- Rent reviews
- Relocation
- Repairing obligations
- Sharing occupation
- Alterations
- Security of tenure
We are still seeking clarification with NHSPS on the exact nature of this document and the scope of its intended use. To that end, we will be meeting the Chief Executive of NHSPS in early December, and intend to make it absolutely clear that the current document is inappropriate. GPC are meeting with the Chief Executive of NHSPS to raise concerns about the appropriateness of the current document and continue advise all practices in NHSPS properties is that they should under no circumstances sign any current standard lease or other document from NHSPS without receiving full legal advice in order to understand the consequences of signing the lease.
Extension of Enhanced Service for MenC Freshers Vaccination programme
The enhanced service for the MenC Freshers vaccination programme is extended until March 2015 due to reported outbreaks. Area teams will be informing all practices of the extension and issuing this new specification shortly. Participating practices can continue to vaccinate patients. Practices who have not signed up must be offered the opportunity to do so.
Seasonal Flu Vaccinations for Patients with Learning Disabilities
There are a number of queries requesting clarification around the position on flu vaccinations for patients with a learning disability. Although this cohort is included in the service specification under the category for ‘neurological conditions’, the line ‘using clinical judgement’ has been causing some confusion. As such, NHS England intends to send out a bulletin to clarify this. GP practices should be aware of information material to support the drive to offer vaccinations to people with learning disabilities. NHS England SharePoint provides materials/information for parents of children with learning disabilities, adults with learning disabilities and Headteachers of Special Schools on the reasons for being vaccinated against flu. Practices and providers can use this information to encourage more people with learning disabilities to be vaccinated.
Friends & Family Test, Brief GPC Guidance
GPC have produced this brief guidance on the Friends & Family Test to accompany the more extensive joint guidance that was highlighted in bulletin 242.
GPSoC, Contracts Signed for Lot 2 Services
The Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) has announced that agreements have now been signed with 30 suppliers to enter into the new GP Systems of Choice (GPSoC) framework, to provide Additional GP IT Services (Lot 2). This will enable practices and CCGs to procure additional software, hardware and professional services, complementary to those available under Lot 1. A summary of the products and services each supplier intends to provide is available on the HSCIC website. The HSCIC will now work with suppliers on a Lot 2 online catalogue detailing their service offerings. This will be published in December 2014 and will be accompanied by ‘how to buy’ guidance to support local organisations in ordering services. Services will be funded by the local organisations and ordered through a Call Off Agreement. This will allow ordering parties to negotiate some of the contract terms relating to delivery of the Lot 2 services, such as service management and implementation provisions.
Armed Forces Covenant
We have been asked by NHS England to draw attention to the commitments of the Armed Forces Covenant that came into effect through the Armed Forces Act 2011 and NHS England has passed on this information.
Sessional GP Revalidation Survey
If you are a sessional GP, please take a moment to complete this online GPC revalidation survey to provide your views on your experience of revalidation and appraisal.
Royal Medical Benevolent Fund Annual Appeal 2014
The Royal Medical Benevolent Fund seeks your support for their Annual Appeal.