Bulletin 25.01.2011

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Bulletin 25.01.2011

Health & Social Care Bill 2011

As you will know the Health and Social Care Bill was presented to Parliament on Wednesday 19 January. It sets out the legislation required to implement the Government’s plans for major NHS reform, as outlined in its earlier White Paper “Equity and Excellence: Liberating the NHS” released in July 2010. Laurence Buckman, GPC Chairman, has written a letter to all GPs in England regarding this Bill, and its implications for the future of general practice.

Practice Profiles on Cancer

You may be aware that the National Cancer Intelligence Network and the Association of Public Health Observatories have developed GP Practice profiles on cancer to help drive forward the cancer agenda and improve patient care and outcomes. These profiles provide a rich source of practice data for you to consider as well as being able to compare local and national data. Practices can view their own profiles and comparative data here.

Early notification/date for your diary – 6/7 April 2011 North East Cancer Network will be holding an accelerated learning event at Hardwick Hall. Flyers will be circulated shortly with further details.

Eric Gambrill Memorial Awards 2011

The Eric Gambrill Memorial Award is open for applicants. The website provides full details of the awards – there are two awards each of £3,000, and GPs have until 21 April 2011 to submit an application.

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