Bulletin 22.03.2011

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Bulletin 22.03.2011

BMA SRM Resolutions

The BMA’s Special Representative Meeting to debate the Health and Social Care Bill held on 15 March produced this list of resolutions. In its meeting the following day, BMA Council confirmed its intention to step up its opposition to and continue to publicise the most damaging parts of the Bill. Council also considered a variety of options that would be necessary to achieve these aims. The role that competition, and in particular Monitor – as the economic regulator – will play in planning and running health care, is a key concern. The GPC discussed the areas of concern in the Bill on which it will be focusing in the coming months. These will include: highlighting the considerable unacceptable restrictions the legislation would place on commissioning consortia; the damaging implications of the quality premium; and competition and the role of Monitor.

In a press statement issued after the Council meeting, Hamish Meldrum, Chairman of Council, said: “Ministers can no longer continue to cite the often reluctant and pragmatic decision by GPs to get involved in commissioning groups as endorsement of their NHS reforms. Following yesterday’s SRM, the government should not be left in any doubt about the strength of feeling among the medical profession; many doctors recognise the need to change how the NHS is run but have serious concerns about scale and nature of the planned reforms which are hugely risky and, potentially, highly damaging.”

Seasonal Flu Vaccination Programme 2011/12

The Chief Medical Officer (England) sent this letter to PCTs and GPs confirming that the arrangements for procurement of vaccines for 2011/12 will remain the same as last year, and urging practices to start ordering their vaccines now, if they have not already done so. This letter follows an announcement made earlier this year by Professor David Salisbury, DH Director of Immunisation, of their intention to carry out a review of current procedures, and the GPC asking the DH to confirm the arrangements for this year so that practices would know what they needed to do in preparation. The GPC would like to congratulate practices on their hard work in relation to seasonal flu vaccinations for 10/11, despite all the potential problems practices faced over the winter.

Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) Service

JCUH, in conjunction with the RVI, is implementing a new Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) service offering pre-natal diagnosis to all pregnant women in the North East. The service will commence on 22 March 2011 and full details are available in this letter.

Tees Senior Medical Advisor

We are sure you will be aware that Dr James Gossow was appointed as Senior Medical Advisor for NHS Tees, with effect 1 March 2011. In his role Dr Gossow will be working within the Corporate Affairs Team to provide clinical advice to the Boards and also input to contracting and procurement, local advice re complaints and Serious Untoward Incidents (SUIs), quality issues and improvement. The LMC would like to congratulate Dr Gossow on his appointment; involvement of a clinician with local knowledge and understanding is invaluable and we are delighted to continue to work with Dr Gossow. Dr Gossow will be attending the LMC Board, on a co-opted basis, in his capacity as Senior Medical Advisor.

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