Bulletin 22.01.2013
Medicines Supply Chain Guidance Update
The Department of Health has updated its guidance on ‘Trading Medicines for Human Use: Shortages and Supply Chain Obligations’ and ‘Best Practice for Ensuring the Efficient Supply and Distribution of Medicine to Patients’ to take account of the introduction of the Human Medicines Regulations Act 2012. Trading medicines has also removed mention of registered pharmacists exporting drugs and updated references to RPSGB to the General Pharmaceutical Council and their principles and standards.
Bulletin 168
GP Locum Handbook
The BMA recently published the GP Locum Handbook, ’The Essential Guide for Freelance GPs’ which provides advice on setting up as a locum, starting a new business and establishing a contract for services with a provider. It also looks at different types of locum work and contains information on professional issues such as appraisal and networking. The Handbook is available for BMA members only – please log in to the website to access it at www.bma.org.uk/sessionalGPs.
GP Trainees Newsletter
The latest edition of the newsletter for GP trainees, including advice on expenses and information on the Junior Members Forum, is now available.