Bulletin 21.10.2014

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Bulletin 21.10.2014

Additional/New Dementia Enhanced Service
It is for practices to decide whether to sign up for this new scheme, which is designed to operate in addition to the existing dementia enhanced service, not instead of it. Key points you may wish to consider in this decision making process are:

  • The enhanced service pays for diagnosis only
  • No payment for participation in the scheme or for planning
  • Payment will be based on the net increase in the dementia register on 31 March 2015
  • No payment for newly diagnosed patients who subsequently die or leave the practice
  • No payment where patients are referred to specialist services before 31 March 2015 but diagnosed after this date

Avoiding Unplanned Admissions (AUA) and CQRS
Practices signed up to the AUA DES need to know their practice list size figures. Whilst initial guidance stated these figures will be provided via Exeter report, you will in fact be able to view your list size via CQRS. HSCIC will be advising practices of this in their information accompanying the launch of CQRS which is due shortly.

Flu Patient Information Leaflets
Patient leaflets on flu have now been published and will soon be available to order in hard copy through the order line or by phoning 0300 123 1002. As always, there has been a central delay in releasing these. The CCGs are also planning a flu communication campaign.

Practice Nursing
You may have received this letter providing an overview of ongoing work between NHS E, HENE and other organisations to support the  training and development of nurses working in general practice across Durham, Darlington and Teesside. Cleveland LMC has met with NHS E and HENE to discuss this important area work and we are encouraged that the need to support and training in this area has been recognised. This document provides further information with regard to the development of pre-registration placements in primary care for student nurses.

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