Bulletin 21.09.2021
Bulletin 21.09.2021
- Protecting GPs from abuse and assault
- #Support Your Surgery campaign
- Letter to Secretary of State
- GP survey – deadline extended
- COVID vaccinations for 12-15 year olds
- Booster vaccines
- Recording overseas vaccinations
- Blood bottle supply update
- Covid-19 Response: Autumn and Winter Plan 2021
- End of the shielding programme and Closure of the Shielded Patient List (SPL)
- Health inequalities and climate change
- ARM update
- Changes to the COVID-19 test kit distribution service
- NHS-Galleri cancer test trial
- Supportive call from WHO for investment in primary care post COVID
- Survey of practices’ experiences of using PCSE payments and pensions portal in August
- BMA Members Only: Sessional GPs webinar – contracts
- Social Prescribing Link Worker Day Conference
- GPC GP Bulletin
- BMA COVID-19 guidance