Bulletin 17.09.2013

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Bulletin 17.09.2013

Enhanced Services FAQs
FAQs on the four new enhanced services are now available on NHS Employers’ website. 

Additional MMR, Childhood Flu & Shingles FAQ re Read Codes
The following FAQ has been added to those previously published:

Q) Where a practice has been using Read codes not included in the service specification, guidance and audit requirements or Business Rules for enhanced services and vaccination programmes, are practices expected to re-code patients?

A) Yes, all services being supported by CQRS, require that practices who intend to participate in these services record their achievement in the clinical systems using the appropriate Read codes. This should be recorded using the relevant Read codes in the service specification, guidance and audit requirements or Business Rules from the date those services commence. As such, practices would need to re-code using the relevant codes.

NHSmail for Sessional GPs
As you will be aware, there was recently an overhaul of all NHSnet accounts where email addresses previously linked to PCTs were reallocated to CCG as the new host organisation. The same work is happening for sessional GPs previously linked to their previous PCT. The NHSmail team have issued the following advice:

If you are a sessional/locum/salaried GP and require an NHSmail account for securely exchanging data, please contact the GP practice NHSmail Administrator for which you carry out most work. The Administrator will need to liaise with the CCG Local Organisation Administrator (LOA) to request an account is hosted and administered via the GP Practice on your behalf. If you work across several GP practices on a regular basis, it may be more appropriate to have your account hosted and administered by the CCG. If this is the case, please contact the Local Organisation Administrator (LOA) in your local CCG, who can normally be found via the IT department. If you have any issues registering an NHSmail account please email feedback@nhs.net.

Vaccine Update re Current Shortages of Shingles Vaccine
Public Health England has sent out this special edition of their ‘Vaccine update‘ about current shortages of the shingles vaccine.

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