Bulletin 17.05.2011

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Bulletin 17.05.2011

Issue with Read Code MH14 within QOF Business Rules v19

An issue with the Mental Health HDL: total cholesterol cluster (HDLTCHOL_COD) within the version 19.0 ruleset of the Business Rules has been identified. This will be rectified by the NHS IC when producing the version 20.0 ruleset of the Business Rules that incorporates any relevant codes from the April code release. The Business Rules version 20.0 are expected to be made available to GPSS and published to the PCC website before the end of this May. The erroneous codes 44PG. and XaEil will be removed from this cluster and replaced with:

Read V2
44PF. Total cholesterol:HDL ratio
44l2. Cholesterol/HDL ratio
44lF. Serum cholesterol/HDL ratio
44lG. Plasma cholesterol/HDL ratio

44PF. Total cholesterol:HDL ratio
XaERR Cholesterol/HDL ratio
XaEUq Serum cholesterol/HDL ratio
XaEUr Plasma cholesterol/HDL ratio

Negative Comments Posted on NHS Choices Website

GPC has been made aware that there is some confusion concerning the procedures in place when a practice receives notification of negative comments posted on the NHS Choices website. To clarify, practices are notified of a comment pertaining to them following the publication of the comment. An alert is sent to a named recipient at the practice in question (usually the practice manager although this will be designated by the practice). Practices then have two options:

1. Post a reply, in order to put across the practice’s views and deal with any issues raised. This will appear immediately below the original comment. We strongly urge all practices to reply to negative comment very carefully as this can act as a very useful defence against an unfair comment, as well as enhancing the appearance of the practice in the eyes of the public. Keep it professional and factual rather than aggressive-defensive.

2. Report the comment to the website moderator as unsuitable.

NHS Choices have a ‘comments policy’ on their website which states that ‘should a comment be flagged by a practice as unsuitable, then this will alert their moderators to take down the comment, consider it, and then either remove it or re-instate it as they deem appropriate’. The following NHS Choices guidance may assist practices in managing any comments they receive:

Managing patient feedback

Best practice – responding to patient feedback

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