Bulletin 16.03.2010

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Bulletin 16.03.2010

DDRB Report letter

We are sure you will have seen the recommendations for 2010/11 published by the DDRB last week and the subsequent government decision to overrule some elements. This GPC letter to GPs is in response to these recommendations.

SCR, message re opt-out and GPC Guidance

It is important for practices to raise patient awareness of SCR, including the patients’ rights to opt out. You should provide balanced, unbiased information to empower patients to make an informed decision. Please note: if patients use the envelopes in their patient information packs to return their opt out form it will be destroyed. This may result in patients thinking they have opted out when in fact they haven’t. You may wish to have a supply of the opt out forms and promote the correct address for patients to return the form in your practice as this information is otherwise only available via internet/telephone.

The address for Tees patients to return forms is:
Summary Care Records
Healthcare Technology Commissioning
Teesdale House
Westpoint Road
Stockton on Tees
TS17 6BL

This guidance represents the GPC’s views and may be helpful in answering any questions you may have.

Withdraw: Focus on Tax Bracket information

The Focus on Tax Bracket information published last week as been withdrawn and should not be used. GPC advisers have confirmed that there is an error in the figures and other matters in the guidance also need to be reviewed. This information has been removed from our website and it is hoped a corrected version will be issued as soon as possible. Please accept our apologies for this and any difficulty it may cause.

BMA Charities Letter

This letter contains details of 2 charitable funds that could be of benefit to you or a doctor you know.

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