Bulletin 15.06.2009

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Bulletin 15.06.2009

Pandemic Flu Q&A
The ‘Pandemic Flu Questions and Answers’ has now been published on the BMA website via the following link:
This web page will be updated regularly as each query or problem is resolved. Thank you to those who have already brought our attention to the problems that you are experiencing locally with the implementation of the pandemic flu plan. Please continue to share information in this way.
You may also contact Marianne Simmonds (msimmonds@bma.org.uk ) in order to describe problems that you are experiencing, or to share examples of good practice/solutions implemented locally.

IT Support
Three practices have contacted the LMC in the last week concerned about IT support. We are not sure whether this is a blip or something more serious and would be interested in your views. Please respond to christine.knifton@middlesbroughpct.nhs.uk  in the first instance

Pharmacy Names on repeat Prescriptions
The Local Pharmaceutical Committee has expressed concern that practices are naming specific chemists on repeat prescription request forms and the LMC has considered this matter and is also concerned. The LMC believes that practices are exposing themselves to accusations of bias and financial or other interests if they do this, and the LMC would counsel practices against the practise.
Any practice which wishes to make arrangements with pharmacists should ensure that they are able to do this with all local pharmacy contractors and not just one or two specific organisations
Message from Hamish Meldrum – ‘Look after our NHS’
Since Look after our NHS was launched on 1st June we’ve received a steady stream of support for the BMA’s 8 Principles, and examples of how NHS market reforms are affecting doctors – whether it’s affecting their patients or their own working lives.

We need to keep these examples coming in! We need your support to spread the word – and the web link – to your colleagues. Put the web address on all emails and pass it on. Use every opportunity talk to doctors about these issues and encourage them to visit the website. The more we can spread the message and the web address, the more we can encourage doctors to pledge their support for our Principles.
So please put the following on your emails as part of your ‘signature’ and ask colleagues to do the same:
Have your say about NHS market reforms
Visit www.lookafterournhs.org.uk
And if you haven’t already, I urge you to visit the website, get involved and encourage your colleagues to get involved too. Together, we can look after an NHS led by professionals who put quality before the delivery of crude financial targets.
Thank you.
Hamish Meldrum, Chairman of Council, BMA

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