Bulletin 14.09.2021
Bulletin 14.09.2021
- GP survey – help us to help you
- Support Your Surgery campaign
- Government imposes pay transparency regulations
- Uplift to maximum reimbursement rates under the Network Contract DES Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme
- Supporting general practice and challenging abuse – letter to the Secretary of State
- NHS Digital GP workforce data releases switch to monthly from quarterly
- GP pressures and abuse in the media
- GPC England meeting with NHSE/I
- Delays in influenza vaccines
- Advice and Guidance – statement from GPC England
- Survey of practices’ experiences of using PCSE payments and pensions portal in August
- LMC role in Integrated care systems
- Tees Valley Primary Care Training Hub – ensure you are linked in!
- BMA Members Only: Sessional GPs webinar – contracts
- BMA clinical academic trainees conference 2021
- GPC GP Bulletin