Bulletin 13.01.2015
CQRS and Retired QOF Indicators
Practices received a message from HSCIC/CQRS with regard to signing up to allow data extraction for QOF indicators which were retired in 14/15. There is some confusion around this and, we understand, that the national parties involved in the original negotiations do not agree with the message that has been sent. This HSCIC page explains the CQRS message and GPC have issued this statement in direct response. I have made our Area Team aware of this and advised them that we are issuing the following advice to practices at this time:
As practices are no longer funded to meet these indicators/targets, it is for practices to decide if they do so and whether or not they respond to CQRS extraction requests. It is practice choice as to whether they continue to focus on achieving these targets and how they record the clinical results and what codes, if any, they use. These QOF targets are no longer part of the contract or linked to any funding under the contract. Whatever decision the practice makes with regard to this extraction, their payments under the contract will not be affected.
Until there is further clarity, following the national discussions with regard to the basis of this request, we advise practices not to rush to make a decision and not to delete the CQRS action ahead of the 23 January deadline. Once there is further clarity we hope practices will be in a better position to make an informed decision as to how they respond.
Workforce Minimum Data Set Request from NHS England
GPC have issued this position statement following concerns raised with regard to the NHS England Workforce Minimum Data Set request. In simple terms, GPC shares practice concerns and is raising this with NHS England but advises practices are obliged to provide this information and should continue to arrange access to the primary care web tool module BUT should also advise practice staff of this data submission.
GPC Survey – Future of General Practice
You should have received a survey from BMA’s Health Policy Economic Research Unit (HPERU) in order to gain a comprehensive picture from GPs about their current work and pressures, how they wish to work in the future, under what arrangements, and importantly how they would like to see general practice develop. Please take a moment to complete this – we appreciate it is lengthy but this is necessary in order to ensure GPC have a full picture on which to help inform GPC policy to shape a sustainable, fit for purpose future model of general practice, and which we will be able to present to the incoming government. The results will be able to be stratified to include category of GP, years since qualification, area of work etc. GPC want to get the best possible picture of the views of all GPs – from trainees, newly qualified, partners, locums, salaried GPs through to those at the tail end of their careers – and a good survey response rate will help achieve that. You can access the survey HERE. If you have any queries regarding the survey, please contact jread@bma.org.uk who can pass these on to HPERU.