Bulletin 10.03.2015

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Bulletin 10.03.2015

CQC Inspection Guidance
This guidance on CQC inspections is a practical guide aimed at GP practices on how to prepare for a CQC inspection. It includes helpful tools including a check list, a presentation brief, key questions an inspector may ask and general hints and tips.

Potential Scam Warning – CQC
A Practice Manager has alerted us to a potential issue whereby someone may be using CQC as a means to obtain money from practices. A call had been received from someone suggesting she was from CQC and was questioning some payments which had been made. The Practice Manager contacted CQC directly, rather than using the number the caller provided, to find that there were no outstanding payments and nothing had been paid recently. This could be a one off incident but as the original person making the call was incredibly confused and could not accurately answer the Practice Manager when questioned, we strongly recommend practices question any such calls they receive and double check details with CQC directly prior to providing any payment/invoice/account details.

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