Bulletin 09.12.2013

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Bulletin 09.12.2013

CQRS – Make sure you get paid!
I sent an important email to all practice managers on Monday 9 December outlining common mistakes that are preventing practices from completing CQRS manual data entry. The email covers 4 simple steps to take. I am chasing up the Area Team with regard to practices who are still awaiting ‘approval’ after they have ‘accepted the offer’. If you did not receive this email, please contact me directly. IF YOU FAIL TO COMPLETE CQRS CORRECTLY BY 31 DECEMBER YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE PAY IN JANUARY.

Urgent Care Services, Sir Bruce Keogh’s Review
Professor Sir Bruce Keogh’s ‘Transforming Urgent and Emergency Care Services in England’ review report refreshingly recognised that hospital pressures require a ‘whole system approach’, with integration between the range of providers in urgent care, rather than the non-evidence based portrayal that GP opening hours are somehow the cause of hospital pressures. There is a strong focus on patient self-care at the beginning of an urgent care pathway. The Government has also announced £150 million to reduce A&E winter pressures. In the context of Sir Bruce’s review, it would be wholly logical to use this resource in a whole system approach including investment in general practice and community services, to enable more proactive management of patients in the community, aiming to avoid hospital attendance.

Winter Pressures, GPC Posters for Practices
Every GP practice will soon receive two posters from GPC to display in their surgeries advising patients about self-care this winter.

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