Bulletin 08.11.2011

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Bulletin 08.11.2011

GPs’ Contract Agreement 2012/13

The GPs’ contract for 2012/13 has now been agreed and announced by the Department of Health.  Changes to the contract include:

  • a 0.5% expenses increase delivered to all through QOF
  • the piloting of arrangements that will allow commuting patients in three cities a greater choice of which GP to use
  • changes to practice boundary rules for patients moving a short distance
  • the introduction of a new scheme that aims to reduce avoidable Accident and Emergency (A&E) visits, the indicators and guidance for which are appended to this week’s neg news
  • revisions to the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF)

The BMA has published this letter to the profession together with this information on the QoF agreement and this summary of changes to QoF indicators. Further details on the contract agreement can be found on the NHS Employers’ website here.

QoF QP A&E Guidance

This QOF Quality and Productivity Accident and Emergency guidance has been published, separately and in advance of the national QOF guidance, to help practices and Primary Care Organisations prepare for their implementation. This guidance will be incorporated in the national QOF guidance document when it is published and will be supplemented by additional guidance and FAQs.

New Medicines Service Guidance

NHS Employers and the Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC) have jointly published this guidance for the New Medicines Service (NMS). An NMS feedback form and further information about the changes to the NHS Community Pharmacy Contractual Framework (CPCF) that came in to force on 1 October 2011 is available on the BMA website.

Adverse Weather Arrangements

On 1 November, following discussions with the LMC, NEPCSA sent a letter to all practices outlining arrangements with regard to provision of extended hours during periods of adverse weather. As winter starts to close in we would encourage you to take a moment to view this letter so you are aware of the arrangements in place and the options available to you.

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