Bulletin 08.05.2012

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Bulletin 08.05.2012

Patient Registration, LMC Guidance 
We often receive questions with regard to the rules and regulations around registering (or not) new patients. This is increasingly becoming an issue in some areas where there may be an influx of patients within practices. Please take time to read this LMC guidance
 to ensure you are aware of the current regulations – the guidance also includes the recent changes to the legislation around patient registration and closed lists.

Seasonal Flu Plan 2012 
annual seasonal flu plan letter from the England Chief Medical Officer, along with the 2012/13 flu plan have been published on the Department of Health website. As in 2011, the plan for 2012 includes an ambition to significantly increase uptake among under 65 patients with an underlying clinical condition, as well as to push for a higher uptake among pregnant women and health care workers. Annexe B of the letter includes a 10 point good practice checklist commissioned to help GP practices ensure high uptake of flu vaccinations locally. For ordering flu vaccines, the system remains the same as last year with GPs responsible for ordering adequate stock for all eligible patients, recognising the increase in size of the target population.

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