Bulletin 06.01.2015
Patient Choice Scheme, GPC Q&As
Practices may find this GPC guidance and Q&A document on the new patient choice scheme helpful. The scheme commenced on 5th January. We have had notification from the Area Team that the whole of the HaST CCG area has coverage for home visit arrangements but we have no notification with regard to the coverage for other CCGs areas. If you have any doubts we strongly recommend that you check with the Area Team to ensure that home visit arrangements are in place for the area you are looking to register a patient (if they reside outside your boundary) prior to completing the registration. Please remember: the removal of the obligation to provide home visits to patients living outside your boundary ONLY applies to NEWLY registered patients (those registered from 5 January onwards); you continue to have a duty to visit existing patients registered on your list (prior to 5 January) if they live outside your boundary this includes patients who are currently registered who move outside your boundary if there is continued registration (unless the patient is removed and re-registered under the new arrangements).
Flu Vaccination, Practice Staff Data Collection
Reminder – December collection of practice staff flu vaccination uptake is now open and will close Wednesday 14 January. This collection is mandatory and data should be submitted manually via Immform. The final collection of this data for 14/15 will be for January and the survey for this will be open from Monday 2 February to Tuesday 10 February. No data can be submitted after this date.