Bulletin 04.12.2012

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Bulletin 04.12.2012

QOF Business Rules V24 
Version 24 of the business rules, which supports QOF 2012-13, has been published (this will include the October code release).

European Study on eHealth Usage Among GPs 
The European Commission has sponsored a study on the use of information and communication technologies among General Practitioners in all European countries. The aim of the study is to improve understanding of the use of technology by GPs in their daily activities and how this may vary. The study is supported by the GPC and 4,000 GPs (principals and sessionals) selected at random from the BMA database have been invited to complete an online questionnaire. Contact details have been disclosed on a secure and confidential basis with an appropriate confidentiality agreement in place. All information provided in the survey will also remain strictly confidential. Please note that participation is by invitation only to ensure a randomised sample. GPs who receive an invitation are encouraged to complete the online questionnaire, which should take no longer than 15-20 minutes – your participation will ultimately benefit both healthcare professionals and patients.

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