Bulletin 01.04.2014
Men C for Freshers
This tripartite letter has been sent to practices regarding the new Men C for freshers. In short, this is a booster offered to freshers (aged 17-25) not previously vaccinated with Men C since reaching age 10, and who self-present to the practice (they will be notified via UCAS). It will commence 1 April 2014 and run until 31 October 2014. There are no call and recall requirements, the vaccine will be centrally supplied, and there will be a payment of £7.64 per dose The letter is available on the PHE website. The GPC are drafting joint guidance and a service specification, both of which are in the process of being finalised and will be published on their website shortly. Note that there are quite a few updates in relation to vaccinations and immunisations, so there will be several updates to the GPC vaccs & imms web pages in the coming weeks
Reminder, Contract Changes and Ready Reckoner for Financial Impact
The GPC has published guidance on the contract changes coming into effect 1 April 2014 and a ready reckoner to assist in calculating the financial impact of the changes. We strongly recommend you look at this, if you have not done so already, to fully understand the impact the changes will have on your practice. The GPC is also preparing a checklist for practices in England on actions they should take from April. This is awaiting some last-minute detail from NHS Employers and NHS England but we will share it as soon as possible. We are also still waiting the information/specification surrounding the new DES – again this is still awaiting information from NHS England (national team) before our Area Team can discuss this with us. We will share as soon as possible.