Bulletin 25.08.2009

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Bulletin 25.08.2009

Pandemic Flu Update

Tees PCTs have forwarded an important ‘special edition’ briefing containing important information about the closure of the North Ormesby the Anti-viral Collection Point. For your ease, if you haven’t seen it yet, you can view it here.

DVLA – Consent for the Release of Relevant Medical Information for Patients

From Monday17th August, new rules called Consent by Assurance were implemented by the DVLA relating to the release of relevant medical information for patients applying for driving licences.

The BMA has given agreement that DVLA no longer need to provide the patients written consent from the patient for access to the relevant parts of their records for the purposes of being granted a driving licence. The new rules to GPs and to driving licence applicants are explained here.

The BMA are aware that this agreement might generate concerns amongst GPs about patient confidentiality. The GMC web site has a frequently asked questions supplement to their confidentiality guidance –
www.gmc-uk.org/guidance/current/library and one query advises that doctors should:- “Obtain, or have seen, written consent to the disclosure from the patient or a person properly authorised to act on the patient’s behalf. You may, however, accept written assurances from an officer of a government department that the patient’s written consent has been given.”

The BMA has taken legal advice about a system of accepting such assurances from a government department, and received written assurances from the DVLA, in the form of a written legal indemnity.

NHS Complaints Procedure

A guidance document has been produced to provide practices and GPs with guidance on the requirements of the NHS complaints system, including advice on how to deal with complaints that come into the practice. This guidance also addresses some of the concerns GPs and practices may have about the way the complaints system operates and offers advice on ensuring that the system works for GPs and practices as well as patients. This document covers England only. You can view the document here. The guidance can also be found on the BMA website here  www.bma.org.uk/employmentandcontracts
This guidance is supplemented by the ‘New Complaints Process FAQs’ which can be found here www.bma.org.uk/employmentandcontracts/independent_contractors

Look After Our NHS Campaign Posters

A recent edition of BMA News (15/8) features a campaign poster- ‘Worried about the commercialisation of the NHS?’ – as a centrefold to display in GP practices, hospitals, community settings, etc. This and another poster which uses the ARM photo are now available to order. View the posters here – poster a and poster b. Each poster is available in two sizes: A4 (ideal for noticeboards) and A2 (420mm x 594mm). To order your FREE copies, please email info.lookafterournhs@bma.org.uk stating which poster(s) you want, size and quantity, and delivery address. You can also download pdfs. All details are also on the campaign website – www.lookafterournhs.org.uk

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